Wednesday, February 2, 2011


In my Communicating Science class last week we talked about framing.  Framing is a communication tool where you present an idea in a manor that influences how that idea is perceived.  The class looks at the difficulties in communicating science with the general public.  A previous comment asked me if my blog will only reach golfers.  Like I said in my first post I will attempt to touch on as many sports as possible.  However golf is what I know best and there is the greatest amount of metallurgy and material applications in golf.  A few of my posts will attempt to reach all readers and not just the golf fanatics.  My goal in this blog is to discuss some of the advancements in metallurgical engineering by relating them to sports and more specifically golf.  I also recently read a statistic that in 2005 approximately 26 million people in the United States played at least one round of golf that year.  That is nearly 10% of the entire population.  It is my opinion that if I can find a way to make metallurgical engineering relate-able to one tenth of the entire population of the United States then I have found a pretty decent method.  I realize that the majority of these golfers are recreational and perhaps only play a couple times a year, which is why i will attempt to frame my blogs in such a way that will interest the average recreational golfer, or whatever sport I am discussing.


1 comment:

  1. I think-with any luck-you can frame your blog to more than ten percent of people. You obviously have the golfers interest, but in addition you will have the metallurgists (not too many of those), engineers, forging hobbyists, and even video gamers (such as myself who don't want to play golf but enjoy playing Tiger Woods on Wii).
