Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Swimsuit That's Scared of Water?

Hydrophobic is a word derived from the latin words hydro (water) and phobos (fear).  Scientists from the Hohenstein Institute in Germany have recently released a swimsuit that uses microbubble technology rendering the fabric hydrophobic. Basically what this means is that tiny air bubbles are trapped between the threads of the material.  These tiny air bubbles create a protective layer that does not allow the water to penetrate the suit and effectively lowers the friction between the suit and the water.  The following diagram explains how this is achieved.
Although I am more of a physical metallurgy student I have also taken classes with Hydrometallurgy.   A common separation method in hydrometallurgy is flotation. The way this works is that hydrophobic material attaches to air bubbles and floats to the top while the hydrophilic material sinks to the bottom.  The reason I bring this up is I was thinking.... If I bought a pair of these swim trunks would I float better.  I really think that it would be more fashionable than the water wings I currently must wear to go in the deep end.  I'm just kidding.  But seriously...I swim like a rock!


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